Over the past 5,000 years, from the Egyptian Pharaohs and the merchants of 14th century Venice, to world governments in the space age, man has treasured gold for its utility and value during times of both prosperity and desparity.
Through the rise and fall of great dynasties and civilizations, gold has maintained its purchasing power as a solid store of value for millennia. Gold has been used as money since 560 B.C., when King Croesus of Lydia created a gold coin in his own image. Ever since, gold has been the world’s most universally accepted form of money.
Today, the demand for gold continues to flourish around the world.
The only thing that seems constant in the world is change. Corporations go bankrupt, currencies collapse, stock markets crash, wars erupt, and governments fall. Through it all–deflation and inflation, depression and prosperity, boom and bust, war and peace–gold has stood firm as a store of value and a trusted medium of exchange.
Paper assets can indeed soar in value, but they can also become completely worthless. Gold has intrinsic value. Never will you hear someone say that gold “is not worth the paper it’s printed on.” Gold is an asset in its own right. It does not depend upon any government’s, corporation’s, or individual’s promise to repay.
Financial planners commonly include gold as part of their own well-balanced portfolios. Gold is an ideal foundation for a diversified financial portfolio because the price of gold often appreciates in response to factors that reduce the value of mere paper assets. Among the many factors and events that can cause the price of gold to rise are: increased industrial and investment demand for gold, bank failures, federal budget deficits, rising inflation or the expectation of rising inflation, devaluation of the dollar and other currency-related collapse, increases in the price of other commodities, stock and bond market collapses and international tensions.
Though the price of gold can be volatile in the short-term, gold has maintained its value over the long-term, serving as an excellent hedge against the erosion of the purchasing power of paper money, and periodically there have been times when gold has outperformed all other financial sectors. Ownership of gold can take many forms, such as coins and bars. However, when considering what to acquire, you won’t be overwhelmed by the number of choices. There are basically two categories: bullion and growth gold/rare coins (For detailed info on these two types call us or request the FREE Gold Information Kit).
Gold is perhaps the world’s most liquid asset. It is traded throughout the world every day. In fact, the gold market never closes. International trading centers operate 24 hours a day around the globe. As a result, you can buy and sell gold in virtually any country at a price determined by the current worldwide supply and demand.