Lynette Zang Interviews

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Published on Jul 1, 2017
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Lynette Zang, Chief Market Strategist at ITM
What will the next financial meltdown look like to the man on the street? Market analyst Lynette Zang predicts, “The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) showed how they would bail in the banks over the weekend. It’s pretty easy to see if you look across the pond to Greece. You will have no access to your wealth. You may have a pretty statement that says you have xyz (stocks) in there. You just can’t touch it. It will be the same thing with your bank account . . . basically, access will be gone. That’s what it will look like, and people are going to be freaked out. What do you do when the computer says no? There is a certain amount of cash in the ATM, maybe $60 a day, maybe $300 a day. Who knows? But it’s not going to be enough. So, that’s what it is going to look like. Most people will freak out because they have about three days of food in their house. Most grocery stores have about three days of food on their shelves. So, what happens after day six? People will be scared for sure, and they will panic.â€
Published on Jun 22, 2017
Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading, Inc. covers a very wide range of topics including price action, bonds, yield curve, precious metals, hedging, and much, much more!
Jim Rickards interview about his book “The Death Of Moneyâ€
Author Jim Rickards and President of ITM Trading Craig Griffin discuss gold and it’s role as a currency. Jim has worked with the CIA developing models and programs to thwart insider trading and terrorism. His unique and brilliant insights into the world of business and currencies will shed light on why you need to own gold as part of your financial portfolio.
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