Live Viewer Q&A With Lynette Zang And Eric Griffin October 24, 2017
10/24/2017 Live Viewer Q&A With Lynette Zang And Eric Griffin
Eric sources questions from Lynette’s viewers and Lynette responds with organic and unrehearsed answers. If you have a question for Lynette and Eric, please either submit your question though YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or here on the ITM Trading website in the comments section. If you enjoyed the 10/3/2017 live viewer Q&A with Lynette Zang, please like, subscribe, and share in order to help Lynette fight the fiat money disease!
Viewer Submitted Questions:
Question 1. Yougottabekiddinme: do you think there will be a day in the near future where buying physical gold and silver will be impossible?
Question 2. Peter H: How can banks get “A” ratings when they are lending out more money than they have in deposits?
Question 3. Steve C: If the dollar is only worth 4cents. Does that mean that 1oz. of silver really only worth 69cents?
Question 4. Danielle W: I’ve heard many experts say the current ratio of silver to gold is ranging between 60 to 80, but the historical ratio has been around 10 to 16. Does you believe that during the financial reset silver will revert to the historical ratio? If so, wouldn’t silver stand to gain about 500% more than gold? Other than the convenience factor of gold’s portability, why would you recommend gold more than silver for wealth preservation if silver stands to gain about 500% more?
Question 5. VC Kiter: If for every $1 of buying there is $15k of selling and the market continues to go up, there are problems in the system.
Question 6. Katcha: Could you please define/expand your concept of ‘community’ so that we can see if that is what we are assuming you mean or am trying to encourage?