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Live Q&A Mar 9, 2022

Eric sources questions from Lynette’s viewers and Lynette responds with organic and unrehearsed answers. If you have a question for Lynette and Eric, please either submit your question though YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or email to questions@itmtrading.com. If you enjoyed the Q&A with Lynette Zang, please like, subscribe, and share in order to help Lynette fight the fiat money disease!

Have questions for the Q&A, email us at questions@itmtrading.com

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Viewer Submitted Questions:

Question 1: 0:41
During hyperinflation, am I correct that nearly all stocks, ETF’s, and bonds would be near worthless because all stocks and bonds are only redeemable in currency which eventually will have near zero in terms of purchasing power?

Question 2: 4:04
If the government knows that we are all hoarding cash, gold and silver will they make it impossible for us to exchange that at some point. Couldn’t they just say we’re buying back all the gold and it’s going to be worthless, and all your cash is no longer exchangeable at some point?

Question 3: 9:24
Can you please explain how the government ”steals your wealth” during hyperinflation?  How does the higher price on goods and services actually help the government?

Question 4: 16:55
If there is a soon to be collapse of the dollar. Can’t the IMF issue SDRs like they did back in 1979? Or is this a tool that is no longer possible?

Question 5: 20:45

Does a college student stay in school for the next 4 years or is it wise to start a survival plan now before it is too late?

Question 6: 21:53

What about holding other metals like nickel?


Well, hopefully third, time’s a charm. I’m still Lynette. And I am the, what am I, the Chief Market Analyst here at ITM Trading, which is a full service, physical gold and silver dealer. And today’s Q&A, you have just me. And we’re gonna start with.

Question 1: And he asks, during hyperinflation, am I correct? That nearly all stocks, ETFs and bonds would be near worthless because all stocks and bonds are only redeemable in currency, which eventually will have near zero in terms of purchasing power?

And frankly, Dennis, you are correct in many ways, but today the term in terms of purchasing power, our dollar is already near zero. Having officially. You can just go on the federal reserve education department, website, the FRED, and put in purchasing power of consumer dollar. And you’ll see that there’s only 3 cents out of the original dollars worth of purchasing power left. So when we go into hyperinflation, the currency actually loses all purchasing power value because nobody trusts it. So when you’re looking at the Fiat money products, like your stocks, ETFs bonds, mutual funds, annuities, any kind of Wall Street product that you can only convert into dollars while not all of those entities and will start with stocks, not all of them will go away. You’re gonna see a very, very different landscape which is, could very well already be starting to unfold. I mean, I’ve said for a while, even though I don’t have technical confirmation yet, it really feels like we’re at the beginning of that hyperinflationary stage to me and with what we’re seeing in the markets and particularly in the commodity markets right now then yes, that, that is absolutely true, Dennis, you know, some will survive it. I don’t know which ones yet, because a lot of that is gonna depend on the debt load that they’re carrying, whether they’re actually zombie companies or, or their, or their viable companies. And we’ll just have to see, but if you can only convert it into dollars in this country or any country, if you can only convert it into Fiat money and that Fiat money has no value. Well, then what good is it, frankly, that’s why even if you have a portfolio that you choose to continue to hold, then truly diversify by having physical gold to maintain the current value, purchasing power value of that portfolio, that’s, that’s critical any of those assets in order to ensure them because of course not everybody can, can take a withdrawal if it’s in a 401k, you’re gonna have some limitations on that. If you’re in a 403B and you’re still working there, you’re not gonna be able to do anything with that. So, you know, these are things that you have to look at. That’s why it’s important to have a plan and to have your goal established. So, and we can help you with that. That’s what we do.

Question 2: asks, if the government knows that we are all hoarding cash gold and silver, will they make it impossible for us to exchange that at some point couldn’t, they just us say, we’re buying back all the gold and it’s going to be worthless and all your cash is no longer exchangeable at some point.

Well, the answer to that, the first part, if the government knows that we’re all hoarding cash gold and silver, first of all, you probably have less than 2% of the population that is accumulating gold and silver, or is brave enough to hold cash outside of the system. That percentage might be higher on the cash. So can they demonetize that cash a hundred percent? Yes. If a government can say, this is, you now have to use this as your tool barter, they can all also say no longer a tool of barter as we’ve witnessed in many countries, Venezuela being one India being another. So they could certainly do that. Can they make it impossible for us to exchange that at some point? Well, if they did an overt confiscation, then it would be, you know, I mean, usually to understand that when they do that, there’s a certain level that they’re gonna allow you to have. So the last time, I don’t know, I don’t know, off the top of my head, what it was for silver, but for gold, it was five ounces of gold. So there are lot different forms that you can hold it though. I personally like the collectible form. That’s the only kind of gold that I buy outside of, you know, jewelry. But but I don’t buy the jewelry for the same goal as I do the coins. So this is really why I like to work in that category. And also why I say, if you can hold it in an IRA, that’s not the kind of gold that I wanna buy, but here’s the thing. Because both gold and silver are used in every aspect of the global economy. They cannot just say you can’t use it at all because that’s gonna have a major impact on those other areas like medicine, manufacturing could they stop all jewelry? It’s, it’s a possibility, but not really. So I don’t think that that is highly likely to happen. I do personally think that an overt confiscation is likely to happen, but you know, maybe it will. And maybe won’t, that’s not something that I can guarantee, but they can’t say that gold is going to be worthless. They want you to think that it’s worthless, but it has never in all of its history, 6,000 years, it has never been worthless because it has the broadest base of buyer. The only thing they can do, which they’ve been doing is make you think it’s worthless at the same time that they’re accumulating it. So no. And they tried that with silver president Johnson tried that with silver when they took the silver out of the coinage and said, if you hoard it, we, you know, actually came right out and said, if you try to hoard silver, we will crash that market. Not exactly those words, but that was very clearly the sentiment, which is amazing that an American President could come out and, and say, we will manipulate the market if you’re not doing it, what we want to. And they have ever since then they’ve manipulated both the gold and the silver market. So no, they can’t. No, they’ve never said gold is going to be worthless because there’s too much demand for it in all of the different sectors. So they could certainly do that with currency. And they certainly have done it with currency. I mean, with there only being 3 cents left out of the original dollar, they’ve been confiscating your, your work for your entire life. So but they can say that they’re buying back all the gold. Certainly that’s in a confiscate, but they’re gonna want you to cooperate. They’re not gonna want pushback. They’re not really gonna want you to know what they’re really, really doing. And so they will most likely, you know, keep the spot price manipulated, but then pay you a premium above that. Because most people, I don’t know why, but most people believe when they look on the screen and it says gold is worth this and silver is worth this. They believe them. It’s not true. And you can see all the central banks accumulating gold. It’s not true, but most people still believe them. Don’t believe them. They’re lying. Their lips are moving. They’re lying. You’re seeing a ticker symbol. They’re lying.

Question 3: Can you please explain how the government steals steals your wealth during hyperinflation? How does the higher price on goods and services actually help the government?

The government does not really want to steal your wealth during hyperinflation. They want inflation to be slow because they steal your wealth as you’re working for dollars that buy you less and less and less. And as you’re accumulating dollars that buy you less and less and less. So the inflation look when they were setting this thing up. And if you read all the documents, the government wants to tax you, but they don’t want you to realize that you’re being taxed. So they don’t wanna go through legislation, which if they raise the taxes and they do it through legislation, you’re gonna hear about it. You’re gonna know about it, and you might not like it. So when they created the Fiat money system to begin with, they built inflation into it. Inflation is not a monetary phenomenon. And even Powell admitted this the other day in front of the Senate banking committee, it is a Fiat money phenomenon. Okay? So I’m in a normal economy that is in a de supply demand dynamic. So a real actual, real market, you know, you would see gold and silver go like this as the economy shifts, right? But it never goes to zero. In a Fiat money economy. And this is how they steal your wealth. It’s just that the dollar lose value over time, but you don’t realize it that’s the inflation tax. So how they benefit from that is whoever is closest to the central banks that create the money. Will they get to use that money first? And as soon as a dollar is created or Euro, Yen, it doesn’t matter, it all works the same for all of ’em. As soon as that’s created, it has the most purchasing power value that it ever will in its lifetime. So the government gets it first corporations, get it first when it has its most value. And then it trickles through the system. So maybe the purchasing power value is here when they first create that. But by the time you get it, it’s down here. So a great example to help you see that is that the average wage in 1970 was $9,500 and a family of four could live on that with one wage earner. Today, and it’s probably a little bit higher than this because wages have gone up, but the average wage is something like $58,000. And so you would say nominal confusion, right? I would so much rather have that $58,000 than the $9,500, but today it takes two wage earners making the average wage. And you are still living typically paycheck to paycheck and carrying a lot of debt. And that’s why when they were issuing those stimulus checks, $2,500 stimulus checks, anybody earning under $150,000 or a couple earning under $150,000 a year, got a stimulus check, Right? So this is how they steal your wealth. Now, during hyperinflation, what is actually happening is that they are resetting the desk system. And it’s a way for an advanced economy to pay off the debt. That they’ve accumulated with dollars that have virtually no value, right? Since that’s part of the strategy that we utilize here at ITM, by the way, is the same strategy that the governments use. Additionally, while it takes more and more dollars to buy the same thing, let’s say you took on mortgage debt 20 years ago. Well, nominally, that payment has remained the same, right? If it was just to make life easy, if it was a thousand bucks, when you first took out the mortgage and you have a fixed rate, 30 year mortgage, and it’s 20 years later, you’re still paying a thousand dollars, but you’re nominal rate of income has increased even though the value of the dollar has gone down. So it’s easier for you to service that fixed rate debt. So that’s not how they steal your wealth, but that’s how they get you to go along with it. Then still be able to take on more debt. I’m not, oh, okay. I’m still at that one. If, if that doesn’t make sense, let Edgar know and I’ll try and explain it another way. So the real wealth, the real theft comes leading up to the hyperinflation. The hyperinflation is just the blow off top, where the government can restructure and reset and pay off that debt with Fiat currencies, government currencies, that have no value. So how does the higher price on goods and services actually help the government? It actually doesn’t that’s not, you know, they don’t wanna get into a hyperinflationary cycle, but that’s what’s inevitable to happen. It’s happened way over 4,800 times without an exception. And that’s because the currency is based on debt and from what I’ve been able to discern so far, even the new currencies, the central bank digital currencies are still justified to be created by debt. Now, maybe they’ll come up with something else, but they have to burn off. They have to get rid of that debt in order to be able to start fresh. They can’t take on another debt currency at the hyper levels of debt that we’re already in and keep in mind, the only difference between inflation and hyperinflation is the speed of that inflation. So better question is how does the government steal your wealth using inflation to do it? And that I hopefully explained, and you now understand, but if you don’t keep in mind that if you’re still walking away and going, I don’t really didn’t really answer my question, not your fault, right. Maybe I didn’t explain it in a way that you could understand it. So if you let, and this is true for like every question, if you let Edgar know, he’ll let me know and I’ll, I’ll take a shot at explaining it differently. And then hopefully it will be more clear, Excuse me. Okay.

Question 4: If there is a soon to be collapse of the dollar, can’t the IMF issues SDRs like they did in 1979, or is this a tool that is no longer possible?

Oh, no. The SDR is very, very possible and not only possible, but I do believe personally that this is going to be the new, the world reserve currency is going to be the SDR and unlike dollars, the IMF does not need to take on debt in order to create SDRs. That truly is the push of a button, but keep in mind as well that the SDR is composed of a number of currencies, which there’s nothing that stops them from including every single currency in that basket of currencies inside the SDR. So let’s see. So if there’s soon to be a collapse of the dollar, the dollar’s been doing, I mean, it’s been collapsing slowly since 1913. So again, the collapse the, the, the overnight collapse is coming. I can’t tell you when, because it’s based upon people retaining confidence in the currency when that’s lost, that’s when you’ll really see the hyperinflation kick into gear. And this is also, why it’s so critically important for central banks to gauge inflation expectations, because if you’re expecting higher inflation, it’s kind of like, then you recognize the inflation. And when inflation happens too quickly, like it is these days. I mean, it’s really obvious how fast prices are going up. And so that it kind of creates this doom loop, right? Where the public expects higher inflation loses more confidence in the currency that then more inflation happens, then they expect even more, etcetera, etcetera, before you know it, you know, it, how happens slowly until it happens really quickly. Let’s see, is this a tool that is no longer possible, highly possible? And if you haven’t watched and they created the SDRs in 1969 to take over as the world reserve currency. And we here in the us sickly said, here, take it. We want, you can have it back. But then Kissinger went out and created the Petro dollar. And we retained that until now, but we are definitely losing that position. And the IMF has, what’s called a substitution fund where anybody, any government corporation, I don’t know about corporations, but most likely governments anyway, can deposit dollar denominated instruments like bonds, etcetera into it. And they can be then converted into SDRs. So, yes, this is a very possible tool. We’ve recently witnessed a huge distribution globally on new SDRs and they are, the IMF is the lender of last resort. So yeah, that doesn’t mean things are gonna be better though, because then you’re under the control of the IMF and they really don’t care how much you suffer. No, no. That gives them control. And these are autocrats. They do not, they’re not elected officials and yeah, no.

Question 5: Does a college student stay in school for the next four years? Or is it wise to start a survival plan now, before it is too late?

Well, Samuel, perhaps you can do both. I’m not really sure exactly what you’re asking me but you know, if you were my son, I would want you to stay in school on the other side of that, or the flip side of that is you definitely need to have a survival plan. And I would get with, I don’t know how old you are, but I would get with your parents and you know, talk about it or even create one if they’re not open to that create a way for you to get home for you to meet somewhere so that you can come together and be more safe. But I would never discourage you from going to school. I would never discourage that school is very to me. So if you were my son, I would want you to stay in school. But then again, I also have a plan.

Question 6: What about holding other metals like nickel?

Well, you know, nickel is an industrial medal and while it definitely does go into electric cars and a bunch of other things, and we’ve certainly seen that tremendous spike this is a currency lifecycle issue and gold and silver are the currency metals. So that’s really where I focus because there’s gonna be plenty of time as we’re going through the hyperinflation. And when we see a cup formation, which is not completely smooth, you’re gonna get bouncing, but you’re gonna see this pattern. It looks like the bottom of cup. That’s the pattern that tells you that over here, we’re somewhere near a bottom because the smart money has recognized what’s going on. Not these big, huge spikes up or these massive drops down. That is, that is not an accumulation pattern. That is a trading pattern. So you can hold anything that you want. But personally, as far as the metals go, I only, as far as coins are concerned, I should say, I only hold physical gold and physical silver. I don’t own any ETFs or any Wall Street products. You know, at all, I have enough dollars to keep my business going. And a little bit of back up for my children. And I cause that’s your first line of defense, but no I don’t for, for the function of where we are and what kind of trend we’re dealing with. It’s gold and silver. This is a monetary life cycle issue. I want monetary metals.

So that’s it for today, right? We’ve got coming up. Oh yeah. Okay. Sorry about this. Cause I’ve been wanting to tell you about this for so long. Subscribe to our new YouTube channel Beyond Gold and Silver, where we have the ability and are talking about the whole rest of the mantra. So Food, Water, Energy Security, some Barterability, Community and Shelter. This is critical for us to be fully prepared. We’ve been working on it for a while. So I’m so excited that we’ve finally released it and please stay tuned because we have more things associated with this that you will have available to you very shortly.

But if you don’t have a complete comprehensive plan, click that calendly link below and schedule a call you gotta have a plan, please. I hope you can see that we are running out of time. I don’t think what’s going on in the world is going to be settled so easily. I think it’s really look over here, misdirection, because over here we’re changing all of the rules socially, economically and fit financially. You need to be in a safer, position as you possibly can be. So if you don’t have that plan in place, think about your goals, but the consultants will help you. Even if you don’t know how to do that, we’re here to be of service. We will help you.

So if you like this, please give us a thumbs up because it helps with the distribution as do the comments and share, share, share, share, share, because it should be pretty apparent to everybody out there that we are very close to the end of this Fiat money experiment. And if you aren’t prepared and ready, Food, Water, Energy, Security, Barterability, Wealth Preservation, Community, and Shelter. You will not be able to weather this storm as easily as you will be if you are prepared. So as you well know, it is a hundred bazillion percent time to cover your assets. And here at ITM trading, the foundation is gold and silver, but on Beyond Gold and Silver, once you have this piece done, there’s everything else that you’ll need to know. We’re building a comprehensive library of resources for you to go to, to build out your own mantra. And until next week, me, please be safe out there. Bye Bye.


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