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Government Data, Copper-Backed Currency & Platinum…Q&A with Lynette Zang

Live Q&A Jun 14, 2023

Eric sources questions from Lynette’s viewers and Lynette responds with organic and unrehearsed answers. If you have a question for Lynette and Eric, please either submit your question though YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or email to questions@itmtrading.com. If you enjoyed the Q&A with Lynette Zang, please like, subscribe, and share in order to help Lynette fight the fiat money disease!

Have questions for the Q&A, email us at questions@itmtrading.com

Have questions about acquiring gold and silver? Call: 877-410-1414


Question 1: 0:37
I believe that we are heading into an extreme hyperinflationary event and banking crisis.  I understand the need to protect myself and my family. If utter chaos happens, a “mad max” situation, what good would holding gold and silver be?  How will it help when no one has anything to buy it when i want to use it?

Question 2: 4:13
If your mortgage is written to pay back in usd and the same system switches to cbdc usd is that the same or did the bank default?

Question 3: 6:35
If printing to much money caused this inflation, why wouldn’t destroying half the money supply, fix it ? Also when they come out with this new cbdc we will still be able buy gold with it, right ?

Question 4: 9:52
(regarding yesterday’s headline news)
Maybe Zimbabwe should peg it`s currency to a cheap metal like copper(?) That way they can actually back their currency in the physical form and even the poor could buy some. In fact, I think Zimbabwe (or it might be Zambia) has copper mines.

Question 5: 13:29
So what if they back a currency with gold? And how many PHDs are at the fed, treasury, etc? None of them have a clue about inflation or the pending disaster? None of them?

Question 6: 13:30
How do we know if the inflation numbers are real? I don’t believe any government data anymore.

Question 7: 14:32
Is recession the new code word for depression?

Question 8: 16:21
​I have silver and some gold. I can’t get all of my money out of the bank but was given a bank check good for only 90 days! What can I do with this please? Thank you!

Question 9: 17:40
​Can you tell us what your thoughts on platinum besides gold and silver?

Sources & References In This Article


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