GOLD VS. SILVER BALANCE: Hyperinflation & Collapse Discussions. Q&A with Lynette Zang and Eric Griffin

Eric sources questions from Lynette’s viewers and Lynette responds with organic and unrehearsed answers. If you have a question for Lynette and Eric, please either submit your question though YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or email to If you enjoyed the Q&A with Lynette Zang, please like, subscribe, and share in order to help Lynette fight the fiat money disease!
Viewer Submitted Questions:
Question 1. Brian T: Trying to get the optimum balance of holding gold v silver puts my head in a spin… Bix Weir says “sell all your gold and buy silver”… Jim Sinclair says gold will go to $50,000, while Bill Holter says it may go to $100,000+! Jim Willie et al say more like $10,000? Everyone says silver will skyrocket, but price estimates vary from $500 to $1,000, or possibly a lot more. What does your crystal ball say, please?
Question 2. Ian M: let’s say we experience Weimar inflation and 1 oz. gold = $100 million. We know that wages won’t keep up. So who exactly will be able to buy gold at $100 million?
Question 3. Dave: if there’s a “reset” what stops the government from only paying out the face value of the silver or gold coin? If they reset why can’t they reset the value to face value?
Question 4. Neil: Is it possible some countries will experience a deflationary depression while others experience a hyperinflationary depression?