Gold Uses In Medicine

Before I started doing the research into gold uses in medicine to write this blog article for the ITM Trading website, I was pretty ignorant on the subject. I like to consider myself somewhat of a numismatist (a person studied in coins), but as it turns out I knew very little about either historical gold uses in medicine, or the cutting edge new gold uses in medicine. Now that I know what I know, I’ll share my knowledge with you.
Historical Gold Uses In Medicine: Rheumatoid Arthritis Medication.
Perhaps the term historical needs a bit of clarification. Medicine and gold uses in medicine have been advancing very, very quickly over the past few decades. When I use the word historical to describe medicine, I am not referring to leeches and bloodletting of centuries past, I am referring to medicine that was developed perhaps 40 or 50 years ago and has been proven to work, but is no longer the standard of treatment because a better medication or treatment has been developed.
This happens to be the case with an injection that contained gold and was used to treat rheumatoid arthritis after World War II. In 1985, a pill form of this gold compound was created, and it was called Auranofin. For those of you into this kind of thing, Au is the atomic symbol for gold, hence the nod to gold by naming the drug Auranofin.
Auranofin is no longer used as the go-to pill to treat rheumatoid arthritis anymore. I don’t know if gold prices or insurance companies have anything to do with this or not. I do know that Auranofin is still being used to treat dysentery, which is still prevalent in many poorer countries. There has been promising medical research into the use of Auranofin to treat leukemia as well. As you now know gold uses in medicine include Auranofin, but the gold uses in medicine didn’t stop here.
Current Gold Uses In Medicine: Gold Nanoparticles.
A particle is an object that acts and behaves as a whole unit with respect to its properties and act of transport. A nanoparticle is a particle that is between 1 and 100 nanometers in size. A nanometer is 1 billionth of a meter or 0.000000001 meters. In essence, a nanoparticle is an extremely small unit of something that still acts like it did before (chemically and physically) when there was much more of it. Gold happens to be good at being small, and when gold is small, it does some amazing things.
For instance, if you are in the medical field then you know that an RDT is a Rapidly Deployed Test. More than a billion RDT tests are used every year to diagnose illness and disease. The RDT to test for malaria contains gold nanoparticle technology. Reports say that 319 million malaria RDT’s were sold in 2013 alone.
Nanoparticle gold diagnostic tests have also been developed to create very accurate RDT’s for HIV/AIDS. Inroads are being made into medicinal gold uses to develop early prostate cancer diagnostic tests. Early diagnosis of prostate cancer is currently difficult, and early treatments for prostate cancer are very beneficial in beating the disease.
Will Gold Uses In Medicine Cure Cancer?
Curing cancer and treating cancer are two different things, but Cytimmune, which is a US based company in the biopharmaceutical sector has teamed with perhaps more familiar pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca to continue working on a system that uses gold nanoparticles to deliver anti-cancer drugs directly to the cancer tumor. This treatment is designed to kill only the cancer cells, while leaving healthy tissue intact. Current cancer radiation treatments are dissimilar in that radiation kills cancer cells and healthy cells.
While a cure for cancer is still a ways off, current medical gold uses and gold uses in the nanoparticle field seem to be quite promising. There is another company that has found other gold uses to fight cancer. Nanospectra uses gold nanotechnology to build little structures that can be injected directly into the cancer tumor. The gold itself does not kill the cancer, but when you point a special laser at the gold nano-structure: Poof! The cancer cells get destroyed by heat.
As you are now much more informed on the gold uses in the medical field, you are now inoculated against believing people when they say that gold is worthless or a relic or that gold demands are declining. You now know that gold uses in medicine are numerous, and that gold uses in medicine are increasing.
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