Gold As A Currency When Computers Rule The World
This blog article may appeal at first only to the sci-fi geeks out there ( no offense intended, you know who you are ), but really it may be more important than you think a lot of people here now, and those to come after us. Now could be a good time to take pause and remember that only a few short decades ago banks kept records by hand. IBM had not invented the International Business Machine as it related to banking quite yet. Today there is an IBM clone on every bankers desktop. But will gold as a currency still exist when computers rule the world? You bet. Here is why.
Gold As A Currency In The Future Reason #1: Privacy
Imagine an age not too far from now where every dollar you make or save or spend is monitored and tabulated. Sweden is morphing into this very place right now. Sweden is quickly becoming a cashless society. Sweden is also experimenting with negative interest rates, which means you always get less out of the bank than you put in. You may wonder what is so awful about that, since many Americans don’t carry much cash these days – they use plastic as a currency instead of gold as a currency like early Americans.
The answer is that there doesn’t have to be anything wrong with a cashless society, other than it just won’t work. As long as you have society, you will have crime, and crime demands a currency that can keep a secret. Gold as a currency doesn’t talk, and it generally doesn’t leave bank audit trails.
So whether you want financial privacy, or criminals want financial privacy, they will use gold as a currency if it suits their needs. And, since gold as a currency is an international currency, gold as a currency meets the needs of international crime. I don’t see international crime going away, regardless of whether or not cash stays or goes.
In addition to gold as a currency outside of the modern cashless banking society for privacy concerns, there are other reasons to hold gold as a currency right now besides privacy.
Gold As A Currency In The Future Reason #2: Stability
Gold as a currency offers stability. Every paper currency has fallen over time. Every bank has eventually closed it’s doors. Even the world’s oldest company, which was a construction company, closed it’s doors. Gold is still around, and people hold gold as a currency for this very reason.
Whether the banks of the future collapse and trillions of trillions of dollars evaporate, or whether John Connor pulls the plug on the banking Skynet of the future and all of the digital currencies die that particular death, there will be those that emerge with gold and silver wealth stored privately, and they will begin the rebirth of commerce with gold as a currency and with silver as a currency.
![Ron Paul Believes In Gold As A Currency.](
Somehow I Think Gold Coins Like This Particular One Will Be Popular In The Future. Ron Paul Believes In Gold As A Currency.
Gold As A Currency In The Future Reason #3: Computers Need Gold
This is where we get a little probative of the future, but we know where we are, and we have an idea of where things are headed. Right now computers control more of everyday life everyday. Computers get faster and faster and humans become more and more comfortable with them. Right now computers need gold. Computers of today require gold in their circuitry and production.
In a world of singularity, where computer becomes just as smart as man, and can teach itself, man becomes disadvantaged. The computer will need man for fewer and fewer roles. Chances are quite high though that a growing and evolving computer force that could envelop and then control the happenings of the globe would eventually stop considering the input of man all together. The chances are also quite high that this growing computer force would require raw materials in order to create and grow itself and it’s own new inventions. Gold will be needed, along with silver and copper.
Imagine this. A computing growing thinking ever morphing entity has become self aware, and it wants to grow, and grow exponentially. A computer like this could design and even build it’s own circuitry and automation, but unless it finds a new element that conducts electricity as well and as consistently as gold does without corroding, then the super entity will need gold too.
Of course, since the entity is all kinds of smart, it will know that it can get gold from people, and that people who are not that smart will trade gold for a currency that the super ultra computer can make up in it’s own super ultra computer mind. Problem solved right?
What if the computer wants privacy? What if the person selling gold wants privacy? Super computer ultra imaginary digital money is anything but private, it leaves traces everywhere. It can’t be used to purchase certain things that are not supposed to be purchased. Gold as a currency, however, does not face these problems.
![even in the jetsons time gold as a currency will be used](
Remember Rosie The Robot From The Jetsons? She Wasn’t A Super Computer, But She Still Had An Attitude. Computers Won’t Always Be Rational And Nice.
If the computer that rules the world has gold, and it will, and it needs something from someone that does not want computer currency, an exchange will be made. Gold as a currency will live on.
If you believe in gold as a currency, may I suggest you pick some up now before the super computers take it all.