Programmable Money On The Way…Q&A with Lynette Zang and Eric Griffin
Eric sources questions from Lynette’s viewers and Lynette responds with organic and unrehearsed answers. If you have a question for Lynette and Eric, please either submit your question though YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or email to If you enjoyed the Q&A with Lynette Zang, please like, subscribe, and share in order to help Lynette fight the fiat money disease!
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Viewer Submitted Questions:
Question 1: 0:47
How do you see pensions and social security payments being handled once the CBDC’s roll out?
Question 2: 5:18
Why are silver stackers willing to pay $12oz over spot for American Silver Eagles?
Question 3: 10:58
I believe that we are headed to CBDC and a one-world currency/central government. If we all have to use their CBDC, how can we convert our gold? What if they ban us from converting gold to CBDC? What if the government shuts down gold dealers and says that they are no longer to buy gold? Can this happen? How would we prepare for that?
Question 4: 19:22
Thank You for your stellar work, Lynette. Knowing about the plan for the CBDC coming, HOW SPECIFICALLY can we avoid it? Is there a workaround? I have gold, silver, Bitcoin and property that is becoming more and more sustainable.
Question 5: 21:41
How much time do we have to pay off our variable rate debt such as a credit a card before hyperinflation becomes too high for us to pay it off?