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Turkey BRICS Bid: What this Means for NATO and the Dollar?

Taylor Kenney - ITM Trading Sep 15, 2024

Turkey, a key NATO member and long-standing US ally, recently took a significant step by applying for membership in the BRICS alliance. This move signals a potential geopolitical shift that could impact global power dynamics, particularly in relation to the US dollar and NATO’s influence.

Turkey’s Strategic Importance

Turkey has been a NATO member since 1952, providing the alliance with a vital military presence. Geographically, Turkey serves as a bridge between Europe and Asia, bordering key nations like Greece, Iran, and Syria. Turkey’s military is ranked as one of the most powerful within NATO, second only to the United States. It also participates in NATO’s nuclear sharing program, housing US nuclear weapons on its soil.

However, Turkey’s growing ties with BRICS—an alliance of emerging economies led by Russia and China—could challenge its alignment with NATO. If Turkey joins BRICS, it may shift from being a US ally to aligning with nations that actively oppose US policies. This development could weaken NATO’s strategic advantage in the region, potentially disrupting the balance of power.

US Dollar Dominance at Risk

One of the BRICS alliance’s primary goals is to reduce reliance on the US dollar by encouraging international trade in alternative currencies. Turkey’s potential membership in BRICS could accelerate this process, further threatening the dominance of the US dollar on the global stage. Currently, BRICS accounts for 40% of the world’s population and over a quarter of the global GDP. With Turkey’s inclusion, the influence of this bloc is set to expand.

This move toward “de-dollarization” undermines the US’s economic strength, which is largely supported by the global demand for its currency. As BRICS countries increasingly trade using their local currencies, the US could face economic isolation, particularly in crucial sectors like energy and technology.

Rare Earth Elements: A New Battleground

Adding to the geopolitical complexity is Turkey’s control over the second-largest deposit of rare earth elements, essential materials used in advanced technologies, from military hardware to electric vehicles. China currently dominates the production of rare earth elements, providing about 70% of the global supply. A partnership between Turkey and China in this sector would further weaken the US’s access to these critical resources.

The future of rare earth elements is crucial for both economic and military power. With demand set to double annually for the next decade, Turkey’s alignment with China could give BRICS an unprecedented advantage in controlling this vital industry, leaving the US and its allies more dependent on non-friendly nations for technological advancements.

What Lies Ahead for NATO and the US

Turkey’s bid to join BRICS raises serious questions about its future within NATO and its relationship with the United States. The strained relations between Turkey and the US, driven by disagreements over military deals, Israel, and the Syrian conflict, could intensify if Turkey becomes a BRICS member. Should this happen, NATO could lose one of its most powerful members in the region, and the US could find itself isolated from key military and economic resources.

As the 2024 BRICS Summit approaches, where new members are expected to be announced, the global geopolitical landscape may shift even further. Turkey’s move could mark the beginning of a new world order—one in which the US and its dollar no longer hold the dominant position they once did.


The ramifications of Turkey joining BRICS could be immense, affecting not just NATO but also the global dominance of the US dollar. As Turkey strengthens its ties with BRICS members like China and Russia, the United States’ geopolitical and economic power is increasingly at risk. At ITM Trading, we help our clients navigate these complex changes by providing strategies to protect and grow wealth through precious metals like gold and silver, ensuring long-term financial security.

If you want to stay ahead of these developments and secure your financial future, we invite you to schedule a strategy call with our experts. Our team will help you understand how to safeguard your wealth amid these global shifts.



00:00 Turkey, a longstanding US ally and military powerhouse, has officially become the first NATO country to request membership into the BRICS bloc alliance. Because of Turkey’s geographical importance, military power, and access to rare earth elements, their move to align more closely with Russia and China is a major blow to the United States and a huge win for the BRICS bloc mission of creating a new world order focused on dethroning the United States and its Western allies. Currently, BRICS accounts for roughly 40% of the

00:37 world’s population and over a quarter of the global GDP, with both of those numbers set to increase as over 40 countries have applied for new membership. Most of BRICS’ success so far has been focused on dollarization, or the move away from reliance on the US dollar. With Turkey poised to join BRICS, this will only be accelerated. Turkey has been a prominent NATO member since 1952, NATO being a political and military alliance of over 32 countries primarily focused on protecting the West. Turkey is a valued US ally for a variety of

01:18 reasons, the first being their military force. You might be surprised to learn that not only is Turkey’s military the most powerful in the Middle East, but their military is ranked 11th in the world—second only to the United States within the NATO alliance. In addition, Turkey is one of only five NATO members participating in the nuclear weapon-sharing program, which means that, as it stands today, Turkey houses about 50 of the United States’ nuclear weapons on their soil. They also maintain the right to develop their own

01:51 nuclear weapons should they choose to. All of this becomes even more important when you understand Turkey’s regional influence. Looking at a world map, Turkey borders Greece, Bulgaria, Iran, Iraq, and Syria, just to name a few. This gives the United States and its Western allies unparalleled access to the region that otherwise they wouldn’t have, making Turkey a tremendous ally and asset. And while Turkey claims that their application to join BRICS is just to expand their list of allies, the relationship between Turkey and the

02:27 United States has been strained due to disagreements over the US’s support of Israel, the US’s involvement in the Syrian civil war, as well as military equipment deals gone bad. There is speculation that all of this, combined with the European Union’s continual rejection of Turkey as a full official member for the last several decades, has spurred Turkey towards more conservative politics, resulting in a move away from the West, a consolidation of presidential power, and a deepening of ties with Russia and China. In fact, Turkish

03:03 President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has stated, “I trust Russia as much as the West, and at this moment in time, I trust Russia just as much as I trust the West.” And this is visible through local US protests, as played out on the world stage last week when two US Marines were assaulted in the city of Izmir to protesting chants of “Yankee, go home.” So, on paper, the US and Turkey are still allies, but there is a growing concern about what will happen if Turkey chooses to turn its back on the United States and aligns with the BRICS bloc instead. Not only would it create a

03:41 massive military and geopolitical headache for the United States, but it would also further weaken the US’s position as it pertains to natural resources and technological supremacy. Because Turkey is actually in control of the second-largest rare earth elements deposit in the world, a deposit that, once refined, will bring tremendous wealth and power to whoever possesses it, which we now know Turkey has its sights set on China, a fellow BRICS member, as their primary partner for this deposit. Rare earth elements are used in everything

04:19 from military hardware to wind turbines to electric vehicles. They are essential for the future of clean air technologies and all advanced electronics. But the problem is that there is a very limited supply, and with demand expected to double every single year for the next decade, they become highly valuable. China currently dominates the space, providing roughly 70% of the world’s rare earth elements, or 10x that of what the United States produces. With a Turkey and China partnership on the table, this creates a

04:59 future where the United States is even more reliant on these other countries—non-ally countries—for technology and resources that are going to be mandatory for the future. We all assumed that it was only a matter of time before the East leveraged their commodities to combat the West, weaponizing the dollar. But Turkey partnering with China on these natural resources and joining the BRICS bloc alliance only speeds up this process and all but ensures an end to the United States’ global dominance. Next month, the 2024 BRICS summit will

05:34 take place in Kazan, Russia. It is expected that, at this summit, it will be announced which applicants will officially become new members. It’s supposed to be a large event, with many countries already confirming attendance, Turkey being one of them. And while it has been the United States’ intention over the last few years to demonstrate strength, support Ukraine, and weaken Russia, the reality is that Russia, a founding BRICS member, has never had more allies and support, as they have continued to demonstrate a new

06:05 world order that does not rely on the US dollar, facilitating cross-border payments in non-dollar-denominated currencies, and creating a vision that many countries are interested in becoming a part of. All of which only weakens the United States’ position of power on a global stage and its foundation: the US dollar. Remember earlier when we looked at Turkey’s location on the world map? Well, it has been said that they are the gateway between the East and the West—not just in regards to military power but when it comes to trade and economic

06:40 cooperation as well. In fact, Turkey has stated recently, as part of all of this, that they have a goal of being an Asian gas export and import hub, which would make sense given that they have Europe to the West and Asia to the East. Should they secure a BRICS membership and create a rare earth element agreement with China, we are going to have a situation where there is going to be even more cross-border payments facilitated in non-dollar-denominated currencies and local trade currencies, further weakening the dollar and the

07:15 United States’ position of power. No matter your views on all of this—if you think that this is a smart move for Turkey economically—this is a blow to the EU and a devastating shock to the United States, one that will continue to play out in the months to come. There is a war against the United States, and it’s not one with bombs, but one of political power that is brewing, one that is attacking again that foundation, that pillar of US strength—the US dollar—and it is only gaining momentum. Tell me what you think in the comments below because

07:51 this is the stuff that they don’t teach. This is the stuff that is so important that we are educated on, that we know, that we understand, especially with everything that’s coming. And if you’re not already, please make sure to like and subscribe because this is a developing story and there are going to be a lot more updates in the coming weeks, especially as we move closer to that 2024 BRICS summit. As always, thank you so much for being here. I’m Taylor Kenney with ITM Trading, your trusted source for

08:21 all things gold, silver, and lifelong wealth protection. Until next time.

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