THIS IS NOT GOOD: What Is This Major Pattern Shift Telling Us?
So many people ask me all the time, why isn’t gold performing better? We’re gonna go all over all of that and some other things that I found that really shocked me, be prepared because what we’re seeing is not good.
You need to understand what’s really happening in here because so many people think that they can wait or that the central banks/govts will save them, it’s too late. We are at the end of this Fiat money experiment and on our way to a new one. You’re gonna have to decide how you wanna enter that.
So many pattern shifts. So little time I’m telling you people, this is not good coming up.
I’m Lynette Zang, chief market analyst here at ITM trading, a full service, physical Gold and silver dealer. And I’m gonna tell you, you know, so many people ask me all the time, well, why isn’t gold performing better, blah, blah, blah. Well, we’re gonna go all over all of that today. And some other things that I found that really shocked me and be prepared, be prepared because what we’re seeing is not good. You need to understand what’s really happening in here because so many people think that they can wait. Or so many people think that the central banks will save them or the government will save, it’s too late. We are at the end of this Fiat money experiment and they wanna take us into a new experiment. And you’re gonna have to decide how you wanna enter that.
First of all, we’ve talked, you know, we’ve been talking since the beginning of the year about the inverted yield curve. It was the five and the 30. It was the twenties and the thirties. And now of course, it’s the twos and the tens. And remember this, you know, try as they might to support the 10-years being higher yield higher than the two year yield. Like the 30-year yield should be higher than the 20 or the 10 etcetera. Right? That makes sense. If you’re gonna loan somebody money for 30 years, don’t you think you wanna get paid more for it? That interest is the time value of money. The time value as that currency loses purchasing power. Are you gonna at least recoup or goodness gracious. Come out a little bit ahead? Under normal markets, that’s what it looks like. But in these markets, you’re having the shorter term yield paying more than the longer term yield. Why? Because the currency is dying my friends, the currency is dying. That’s what this inflation is all about. But more than that, there’s something afoot in investor sentiment that is difficult to ignore. Given the inversion is occurring with 10-year yields below 3% said one bond market strategist, right? So these yield curve inversions are happening when you have, there’s just not a lot of wiggle room and yields. And you’ve got the central banks committed to raising yields. We’ll see how many more times they’re gonna be able to do that. But this is a pattern that’s key. And what I’d also like to point out before we move on, is this gap right here. And I mean, you can see this and there are always gaps. Just remember that when a gap occurs, technically at some point, that gap gets filled. So these are all sorts of warning signs that we’re seeing. Are you gonna take heat or are you gonna ignore them or think that you have more time?
We talked about this back in March, right? So, so the yield inverting now should not really be a big surprise. It’s been coming. They made poo poo it poo poo it until it’s in your face. And what that tells us is that there is a recession coming soon because the yield curve started inverting in March and we’re already now in July. So the fact that the two and the ten year are inverting, you know, just keep in mind that we’ve been getting this signal and you have to pay attention. When the technical say something, you have to pay attention, cause they’re smarter than anybody central banks fought the curve and the curve wins, right? So they, they kind of actually, it’s been inverted all this year. They really haven’t won. The curve has won.
But part of the problem is that bonds are flip flopping between inflation, right? So the fed has to raise rates and recession. So the fed has to lower rates and they don’t know what’s going on. But look at this. Back in March, I looked at how many globally, how many yield curves were inverted globally? And there were six. Okay, well I just pulled this other the other day and there are 23. So this is between March and now July went from six to 23. What is this telling you? It’s telling you that the whole world is falling into recession, but really does central bankers, the government Wall Street. Do they want you to know what’s going on? No, because if you actually understood that the Fiat currency system was dying, you would make different choices like I have. I’m an ex banker, I’m an ex stock broker. I don’t own any of that crap because I a hundred percent know that the current Fiat money system is dying. And I know what happens all around that. So that’s why I make sure that I have Food, Water, Energy, Security, Barterability, Wealth Preservation, Community, and Shelter. Because these are the things that we all need to have a reasonable standard of living. Everybody always asks when? It’s happening, can you see this? The signs are all around you, you just have to believe them. And then make choices that support your best interest. Is it making more Fiat dollars? No, because the values are going away. It doesn’t matter how many Fiat dollars you have. It matters what you can convert it into.
Another huge pattern shift that we’re looking at. We’ve got those yield curve inversions, and now we’ve got the Euro dollar that was created to take over as the world reserve currency. It never really quite did it, but it certainly is a reserve currency. And now actually today it hit parody. It hit parody. In other words, one Euro equals $1. It hasn’t been like that since the kickoff back in 2002. So what is this really telling us? But this is the piece in this article that I found really interesting. “Risk aversion fueled a broad rally in the green back.” So they want you to believe that the dollar is going up, it’s “strengthening.” And this is really creating some problems with conglomerates global conglomerates now that we’ve hit income earnings period right now, you’re going to hear a lot about how the earnings would’ve been better, but we have a strong dollar. Well, yeah, strong against the Euro or the yen or some of the other currencies, but in terms of purchasing power, which is really what matters the most to you and me, not strong at all. That’s what the inflation is telling you. But this is telling you with the Euro dollar at parody. Now it hasn’t been there since the kickoff. Is this indicating to me, it is actually indicating to me that that Euro experiment is coming to an end pretty quickly. I mean, I can’t tell you exactly when, because I don’t have control over these things, but this is not a good thing. And it’s part of the whole global system. We wanted globalization. I remember all the talk about that in the eighties. When I became a stock broker, it was all about globalization, globalization, globalization. Now we’re dealing with de-globalization, maybe. And the reason why you hear me say maybe is because this we’re in a war, make no mistake about it. We are in a war for our freedoms, for our monetary viability for our lives. Who’s gonna win this? I don’t know the battles are raging. Time is gonna tell who’s gonna win. But frankly, it looks like the Euro is losing to me and you know, no pegged system has ever survived ever, ever, ever, but suddenly you’re gonna do the same thing and expect different results. That’s insanity. You can’t. Germany’s economy is very different than Italy or Greece’s economy. France’s economy is different as well. You can’t pull all of these economies together into a single union. It doesn’t work. And that I think is what this is telling us. And that’s a key pattern shift. Key, key, key. So we’ve looked at two, are there any more?
Well, yeah, we’ll talk about those in a second, because just to prove the point or just to hammer home, the point of you’re talking about a strong dollar against the Euro, well, this is the purchasing power of the Euro, right?
Well, what has that been going up? Is it be beginning better? Sometimes the Euro was stronger against the dollar. No, it’s just steady downhill. And then this is the U.S. Dollars purchasing power. I just did it. So that you could see that it may be stronger or weaker. That’s just so you look over here instead of you look at what’s really happening. And that is that all of these Fiat monies by design are losing purchasing power value and a trillion time. Zero is zero, but gold is the proven inflation protector. They can manipulate these markets anyway they want to, but history shows us over and over and over a hundred percent of the time that physical gold in your possession protects you, not just from inflation, but from all the garbage that’s happening with all of these governments as well. You remember that BIS report. I’m so glad that they did it because perception management, if they can manage how you perceive what’s happening, then they can manage how you move through this. And what they want is they want you to keep everything in their system. Cause then it’s easy to take away from you and who do you have to blame and who you gonna blame to anyway? Who are you gonna complain to? Who are you gonna call nobody?
And you’re not gonna call Henry Kissinger either, but I did wanna remind you of this because I think it’s critically important that you understand that this is all about the spot market in gold, the and the stock markets and the crypto markets it’s all about perception management and as Kissinger. So brilliantly said, it’s not a matter of what it is, what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true. So as long as they could keep inflation at a level that you didn’t really notice your perception was that, yeah, that’s not so bad. I don’t need to ask for more money, but with hot inflation running like it is eight, nine, 10%, 20%, 40%. In some cases it’s pretty noticeable and more wage earners are asking for more money and Hey, were we not recently told that we needed more unemployment to tame this inflation? And we’re getting subsequent layoffs in different areas, etcetera. But let’s just stay on this for a minute because this goes back to 1993, the great Allan Greenspan, who my mom used to say, don’t you think he’s smarter than you Lynn? And I used to say, I hope so because he certainly has a lot more influence than I do. But if he believes the garbage coming out of his mouth, then no, he’s not. I know he didn’t believe what was coming out of his mouth, but he did believe this.
“If we are dealing with psychology, then the thermometers, when uses to measure it, have an effect. What would happen if the treasury sold a little gold in this market? There’s an interesting question here, because if the gold price broke in that context, the thermometer would not be just a measuring tool. It would basically affect the underlying psychology.”
They do not want you to hold gold because when you hold physical gold in your hands, they can’t see anything. They can’t track anything about it. And you are protecting themselves. You are voting with your purse. That’s the way we have to vote. If you buy their products, if you hold their products, if you keep that portfolio intact of stocks and bonds and ETFs and mutual funds and annuities and all those things you’re voting with your purse, you say, I believe in this system. Well, I don’t believe in this system. I don’t believe in it at all because I’ve lived in it my whole life. And I understand the loss of that value. And I understand that wealth never disappears. It just shifts location. Well fine, then I want that wealth to shift my way, because at the end of the day, somebody owns everything that there is to be owned. And if you don’t own it, that means you have to rent it. You have to lease it. And guess who gets to choose how much you’re going to pay? You have to decide if that’s okay with you. It’s not okay with me. But you know, when you look at spot at 17, whatever, wherever it is, I can tell ya no doubt about it. It is fundamentally severely undervalued and there are a lot of reasons for it.
But I came across this article. So you wanna see a pattern shift, cause we’ve looked at quite a few today. Haven’t we look at this one now, Peter Hambro. He says BIS central banks are rigging gold market using bullion banks paper gold. Well, I’ve said that many times, many people have said that we’ve shown it to you, but I want you to understand who this man is. And then I’m gonna show you what he was talking about. Gold to central bankers is like sun to vampires. Yep. It kills them because you thwart their plans, but who is this Peter Hambro? Okay. Well, let’s see. First of all, he is very well respected name in the gold space, having co-founded and been chairman of the FTSC listed Anglo Russian Gold Mining Company, Peter Hambro Mining, which is now known as I’m probably gonna butcher this Petropaviosk something like that. He was also from 1983 to 1990 deputy managing director of legendary London bullion broker Mocatta & Goldsmid, the largest gold and silver counterparty to the Soviet union. Pretty good. His father was also at one time a director of Samuel Montagu another of the legendary London bullion broker and cartel firms, broker cartels firms on top of being an insider bullion banker. Peter Hambro is also great, great grandson of BaronCarl Joachim. Pardon me? Hambro the founder of the famous English investment bank. Hambros so this man has lived his life in this, particularly in this particular bullion bank arena, it’s got a really phenomenal history. So when he writes about gold price manipulation, it is not just anyone writing about gold price manipulation because he did that himself for many, many years. So fabulous background. And this is the article that he wrote and remember all of the links are below and also on the blog, go and read it for yourself. Think about what he’s saying here. Don’t forget the golden rule. Whoever has the gold makes the rules. And as we’ve seen many countries, not the U.S. Not Canada, but many countries around the world have been accumulating a lot of gold for this reason. And so he says disinformation for many years has kept the lid on this Tinder block, meaning paper gold, hide the perception of inflation by rigging the gold market because a rising gold price is an indication of a failing currency. What is creating that inflation, that failing currency. So it’s all about perception management. The only way to achieve the cover by the central banks that the central banks need is by smashing the price of physical gold by the alchemical alchemical production of paper gold mm-hmm <affirmative> with the help of the future’s market and the connivance of the alchemists, the bullion traders. Yes, that includes me. I was deputy managing director of Mocatta & Goldsmid managed to create an unshakable perception that ounces of gold credited to an account with a bank or bullion dealer. Were the same as the real thing and much easier old chap. You don’t have to store or ensure it isn’t that the way we’re always sold is on convenience? Those gold certificates? Sure. For many years, people could walk into any bank with a gold certificate and walk out with a piece of gold. They could walk into a bank with a piece of gold and walk out with a gold certificate. So people got that perceptions of fractional reserve banking system. People get this perception that well, yeah, that money is there. You make a deposit into your account. Your assumption is that money is there, but banks can loan now 10 times that amount and bullion banks are actually no limitations to it. So they manage to create an unshakeable perception that ounces of gold credited to an account with a bank or bullion dealer were the same as the real thing. Now, once investors swallowed the stupifying pill, it was easy to sell them gold. That simply didn’t exist, right? The Bank for International Settlements before they changed their accounting for every one ounce of physical gold, that actually does exist 62,000 thousand ounces of digital gold. And that was a long time ago. That was before I knew the print screen button. You think it’s more? Mm, maybe. So what, we’re gonna talk more about that in just a minute. Counterparties and wanted to be assured that the gold would be there when they called for it easy we said, don’t bother to pay for it just give us an initial cash margin and agree to a variation margin. And our paper promise is as good as gold. See, so you don’t even have to buy it. This is, this is the whole point of derivatives and I don’t care what kind of derivatives you’re looking at. If you’re looking at stocks, it’s much cheaper to buy a put or a call, a derivative contract on a stock than it is to say, buy a hundred shares or a thousand shares it’s cheaper. And the same thing with gold, I mean a contract controls 500 ounces of gold 500 ounces, which is somewhere around what a million bucks or something like that right now? And you know how much it costs 150 bucks, 150 bucks. Okay. Easy leverage. Yeah. That paper promise just as good as gold, as long as not everybody stands for delivery, that’s when we’re gonna discover that. But we’re not there yet. Then along came a raft of options and other products. So they took, we’ve talked about this in the financialization of all of the markets. They take something that’s real, whether it’s gold, oil, real estate, I mean kind of remembered wasn’t that long ago when oil was negative, negative what? 30? I think it was something like 35 bucks a barrel negative. Right? Is that real? No, it was the contracts. It was the derivatives market that could push it that way, because this is just about traders. It’s not about end users. It’s not about anything real. It’s about the financialization of all of the markets. They’ve done the same thing with real estate, gold, everything, they turn it into financial products and then they leverage it and leverage it and they get you to pay for it. And they get you to pay ongoing fees and take all the risk. Because as I’ve told you many, many times a rising gold price is an indication of a failing currency. Do they want you to know that? No, they do not.
But let me show you this, because this also was in that article and reading that article. That’s when I dug back into my little bag of tricks, you know, that I pay attention a lot to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the derivatives that are held in the FDIC Insured bank, which is another illusion, Hey, it’s insured. What could go wrong? Okay. But beginning January 1st, 2022, the largest banks are required to calculate their derivative exposure amount for regulatory capital purposes, using the standardized approach for counterparty credit risk. In other words, they just changed the rules. And they said that you had to treat gold, like a commodity, like oil, something real and physical and no longer just like this contract. So you wanna see what the result of that is? Are you ready? Because frankly, you’ve seen this graph many, many times in the past, this is the precious metals contract in the FDIC Insured Banks. What? Right. I looked at that, I went, what? Well, they changed the rules. So now under their new rules, gold derivatives are considered precious metals. <Laugh> do you see how much was hidden from you to suppress the price that you see when you look at those spot market contracts? That’s all they are. That’s all they are. They are not real. They are smoke and mirrors. And I have to ask you, you know, do you think that you actually are seeing the truth now? Because I don’t, the guys that create this garbage that get paid for this garbage as they’re traded, it’s just garbage derivatives are just a bet and you have no claim to the underlying asset. And these numbers do not reveal the true amount at risk. And if you need me to, I could certainly show you that the BIS says it, the Bank for International Settlements, the IMF the FDIC the OCC the Federal Reserve on and on and on and on and on. Everybody admits that this does not in any way, shape or form reflect the true value at risk. Not only that, but they in 2013, particularly again, you know, don’t change behavior, just change the rules. And that’s when they really stepped up their netting system. So that derivative contracts could at least make the notional amount. So the number amount look a lot smaller, and there’s no way for you or I to unravel this. So this to me is extraordinarily dramatic. I mean, come on and it’s just really revealing part of this story. But the real story is, is that the central banks and governments and bullion banks, they must conspire to keep you inside of the system and you vote with your purse. That’s why I don’t own any of that garbage. That’s why all the years that people have said to me, but Lynette, you know, look at this, it’s doing so well. Why aren’t you invested in this or that, because I’m clear that it’s smoke and mirrors and it’s not real. But what I know is real is that this is the end of the currency’s life cycle. And you better be in a position to weather this storm because it’s only gonna get uglier from here and we’re running out of options and we’re running out of time. And that means Food, Water, Energy, Security, Barterability, Wealth Preservation, Community, and Shelter.
Edgar are there some questions? Okay. Any thoughts on Zimbabwe announcing a gold coin to stop the collapse? Well, I haven’t really heard that they are so make sure that I get that and I’ll look at it, but here’s the thing with Zimbabwe or the U.S. or anywhere. Yes, they can issue a gold coin. The gold coin itself will not stop a collapse. What about you don’t have to take that away. What about if they back their currency with gold, they cannot back their currency with gold until they hyperinflate away all of the debt and whoever does that first will become the global financial leader because it’ll be based upon sound money. Do I think Zimbabwe’s in a position to do it? Nope. And do I think that anybody else, China, Russia, anybody else is ready to do that? Nope. We have to go through that. Hyperinflationary spiral to burn off all that debt so we can start at square one. Now look, when they do that overnight revaluation, they take that Fiat and they do it against gold. That’s when you’re gonna see gold expressed to its fundamental value. Not before that, because a rising gold price is an indication of a failing currency. I mean, truthfully, it is just that simple. So you need to get into position right now, execute that whole mantra as quickly as you can, because we are already in collapse. I showed you three key pattern shifts today, three key pattern shifts! Do you think they mean nothing? Cause I know that they mean a lot and you don’t have to understand exactly what they mean cause that doesn’t really matter. The bottom line is, is the currency is dying.
Icarium asks what happened with the run on the Chinese banks? Well, the run that you’re referring to is actually so far, I don’t know what else has happened, but there was a run on the Chinese banks when some accounts were frozen, you know? So there’s fraud involved. There’s all of this stuff involved, but it wasn’t like the banking system itself was imploding. So I am paying attention to that and I’ll let you know, as things develop. I think I think I was gonna talk about that on Thursday. I don’t know, kind of hard, there’s so many things that are going on. But yeah, they, they calm the mobs down, bringing in, even though the bank was in the wrong, you know, they brought in the military, they brought in the Chinese police and they definitely did quiet that crowd, not in a very nice way. So, and, and things like that are very rare in China. But the fact that it happened to begin with is actually pretty interesting to me because I do think that we are, it’s possible that we’re going to see a global revolution when people are hungry and hopeless, they make choices. They would not otherwise make. And so in China, between all of the lockdowns and then also these bank accounts that were frozen you know, yeah, China’s been interesting for a very long time. Will continue to do so and I’ll, I’ll keep paying attention to that and keep you informed.
Any thoughts? Okay. On Uganda discovering 12, is that 12 trillion in gold? Here’s the thing. Anytime that you have something that’s physical and it doesn’t matter what it is, it can be gold. It can be trees. It can be glasses. Anything, anytime that anything is physical, there is a finite amount just because more might be found here or more might be found there doesn’t negate the fact that there’s still a finite amount of it, and it’s not gonna have any impact one way or the other on the pricing of it. Because the pricing on spot gold is really about keeping you inside of the system. It’s about lying to you. How many times can you be lied to when you do not know the truth? But now you do.
Now you can actually make educated choices that put your best interest first, follow the links. You don’t have to agree with me, but I’m telling you three key pattern shifts? How often do you see me show you three key pattern shift in one little video? Okay. This system it’s, it’s dying, it’s dying. So you wanna make sure that you subscribe and hit that bell. We will let you know when you’re going live. And beyond that too, you wanna subscribe to Beyond Gold and Silver, because that’s where we get to talk about the rest of the mantra, the Food, Water, Energy, Security, Barterability, Community, and Shelter. And you’ll have videos, you know, like this, but based upon the mantra as well as this is what I’m doing for myself, as well as these people can come in and they’ll show you how to do everything for the mantra at all different levels. So we can meet you wherever you are. You’re just starting? Okay, here’s what you need. You’ve been doing this forever? Okay, here’s how you can go to that next level. So make sure that you go into Beyond Gold and Silver and on the YouTube channel Coffee with Lynette episode with Dr. Alma True Ott will be out this Thursday. And he is just brilliant. And we talked quite a bit about gold. We talked quite a bit about collectible gold as well. So I think you’re really gonna get a lot out of that interview. I know I did. And if you haven’t yet started your strategy, hit that Calendly link below and make an appointment to talk to one of our specialists, do yourself a favor. You gotta have a plan and you gotta start to execute it immediately. All of these pattern shifts are telling, it’s all heating up. There’s so many different things that are happening. It’s hard to keep up with, but that’s because we’re at the end. You ever see any of those coin machines where it just goes around and around and around. And as it gets close to the center, it goes faster and faster and faster. And until it falls in well, we’re in that faster part. We’re definitely in that faster part. Get it done. Get it done while you still can.
If you like this, please give us a thumbs up, share this, share this, share this, share this, share this. I cannot encourage you to share it more, please. Anybody, everybody that you can get to watch this. We need people to know the truth so that you can’t be lied to again, give us a thumbs up, leave a comment and remember it is time to get your assets covered. The foundation is the gold and silver, but you need everything else too. And so until next we meet, please be safe out there. Bye-bye.