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Robo-Advisers Vs. Gold Bullion Coins And Bars

Blog May 16, 2017

What is a robo-adviser? Chances are pretty good that you will be hearing a lot about robo-advisers in the next several years. By then, however, they will probably have a cute and less daunting name. They may be referred to as an electronic financial adviser, or perhaps a Charles Schwab money app, or a Chase money management system, etc. Ultimately, some marketing firm will decide what name you hear on the commercial hyping a robo-adviser, but nonetheless, it will still be a robo-adviser. First, let’s look at what a robo-adviser is. Then, let’s look at robo-advisers vs. gold bullion coins and bars.

A recent article published by Reuters in their Business and Money section laid out the future of investing for most Americans. This future is currently called a robo-adviser. Essentially, a robo-adviser is a computer replacement for a low-level or entry-level financial adviser. When a financial adviser gets hired on their first job, they get handed small accounts to learn with. Later on, when they have proven that they can make money for the company (not the investor) they get handed larger accounts. Again, there is no true emphasis placed on making money over the long-term for the client, the emphasis and results tracked all revolve around creating instant profits for the company.

Robo-Advisers Vs. Gold Bullion Coins And Bars.

The article reveals some very key truths surrounding the financial adviser role, including some perhaps surprising truths about Goldman Sachs. For instance, did you know that currently if you have less than one million dollars to invest, you are “very small potatoes” to Goldman? Goldman prefers to attract clients with around $50,000,000 (fifty million) of investable assets. This fact alone is important.

Essentially, the advisers that handle accounts that hold tens of millions of dollars can make a very good living off of the fees and charges associated with managing such an account. The advisers also build their strategies and wealth building formulas around these numbers. These strategies tend not to work very well for much smaller accounts of say, $70,000 – $80,000. And, as you can imagine, the fees and charges associated with managing a portfolio of this size will barely make a Mercedes payment, much less buy a summer house.

Also of interesting note in the article is the fact that the very wealthy frown upon a firm such as Goldman Sachs taking time away from managing their “big” money to manage your “small” money. Here is a quote directly from the Reuters article:

“Goldman has for years grappled with how to tap into the mass affluent segment, broadly defined as those with less than $1 million in investable assets, without diluting the brand of its private wealth business which is considered a jewel within the bank, according to people familiar with the matter.”


The accounts that hold tens of millions of dollars are the “jewels”. The people that own these accounts want the full attention of the senior wealth advisers. Those investing less than tens of millions are seen as parasites. Goldman Sachs has had to forego advising the masses in order to stay exclusive enough to advise the rich. But, in order to tap into the other 99% of the American population, Goldman Sachs is building an “app for that”.

Robo-Advisers Vs. Gold Bullion Coins And Bars.

The Reuters article discusses and links to a job ad looking for new employees to help Goldman Sachs build their new investing platform. To this end, Goldman Sachs has also been making other inroads. For instance, Goldman Sachs has acquired Honest Dollar, which is an electronic platform that small businesses can use for investing purposes. In addition, Goldman Sachs has recently launched electronic platforms that focus on consumer lending and deposit taking. Ultimately, it is only a matter of time until the entire financial forefront is electronic, rather than human.

Robo-Advisers Vs. Gold Bullion Coins And Bars.

Financial advisers, as we know them today, have only been around a few decades. Many of the financial products they sell have existed for a much shorter period of time. In fact, the United States dollar as we know it today has only existed for forty-five years. And, during that time the dollar has lost a huge portion of it’s value. If you don’t believe me, go try to buy a new luxury car on a $5000 budget. Or, try to buy a nice home in a nice neighborhood for $50,000. Both of these tasks could easily be accomplished in the 1970’s when the dollar still held value.

Gold bullion coins and bars, on the other hand, have substantially increased in value over the years as the dollar has weakened. In the early 1970’s, a common date Double Eagle gold piece in fair condition could be had for $70 or so. Today, that same coin will cost you well over $1300. All of this financial growth can be had with no third-party risk, annual costs and fees, or fiat currency risk.

Robo-Advisers Vs. Gold Bullion Coins And Bars : Gold Wins.

In the first paragraph, I noted that large financial corporations are much more interested in filling their pockets than filling yours. Gold bullion coins and bars don’t care about pockets. In fact, gold bullion coins and bars don’t care about dollars, either. The same gold bullion coins and bars definitely don’t care about Goldman Sachs or Chase bank.

Robo-Advisers Vs. Gold

Truthfully, you shouldn’t either. Physical gold held safely nearby is wealth. Accounts held at investment firms are risks and liabilities. If you don’t believe me, just think back to 2008 and recall the names Lehman Brothers, AIG, and Bear Stearns just to name a few. When the dollar became pure fiat, gold prices rose dramatically. When the investment banks crashed, gold prices rose dramatically. Protect yourself from the current fiat dollar and the upcoming robo-advisers. Protect yourself by owning gold bullion coins and bars. Call ITM Trading and speak to a real financial professional, and then have real wealth delivered directly to you.

Sources & References In This Article



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