Experts Weigh In on the Worth of Gold, Pension Rebalancing and US Bond Rating Downgrade
Eric sources questions from Lynette’s viewers and Lynette responds with organic and unrehearsed answers. If you have a question for Lynette and Eric, please either submit your question through YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or email to If you enjoyed the Q&A with Lynette Zang, please like, subscribe, and share in order to help Lynette fight the fiat money disease!
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Have questions about acquiring gold and silver? Call: 877-410-1414
Question 1: 0:55
Isn’t it a good thing that the Central Bank’s are falling apart? I think it’s great.
Question 2: 10:45
What US Bond ratings downgrade will trigger automatic pension rebalancing and what happens if this takes place?
Question 3: 18:20
Do you think the federal reserve can bring down inflation to 2%? in the beginning, a lot of “experts” said, no. what about now?
Question 4: 21:10
Who will place the actual value on GOLD AND SILVER? WHEN? What should it be RIGHT NOW?
Argentina to Devalue Peso by 18% to 350 Per Dollar, Official Says – Bloomberg
Question 5: 23:35
Do you think gold eventually won’t be sold to the general public in ounces but in grams because the price will be so high?